Free Intuitive Guides + Channeled Guided Meditations

The purpose of this Soul Activation guided visualization meditation is to activate aspects of your sovereign divine self, bring you into alignment, centeredness and harmony with your soul truth. This free downloadable meditation is a divine experience channeled from source, designed for soul expansion, sharing potent frequencies of unconditional love and truth as we root to rise, as well as a light language transmission and activation of soul remembrance.

Soul Activation Meditation

Reprogram Old Beliefs & Patterns Journaling Guide

This specific process and journaling exercise has changed my life over just a month! It creates such a massive shift within and I am so honored to be able to share this process with you. I truly believe we should all have this in our back pocket, whether we journal or meditate on the process to release and reprogram old beliefs, patters, old stories and even insecurities.

Create Your Rising Ritual

This guide is designed to help you create an empowered, activating, loving and energizing rising ritual. I share with you the building blocks of a mindful and devoted rising spiritual practice. It’s simpler than we think and so accessible for all!

☼ 5 Powerful, Intuitive Rising Practices

☼ Empowering Journal Prompts & Workbook

☼ List of Empowering Affirmations

Free Womb Resources