Personal Light Language Transmissions

expand, heal, and activate through the profound power of light language

This is a light language transmission channeled specifically for you and your intentions, to assist you in moving, shifting, healing, releasing, and activating energy within.

Light Language is a universal language channeled from the divine source, your guides, higher self, angels, and ancestors of the purest light and intent. It is a modality of energetic and harmonious resonance that aligns with your soul and works directly with the energy body and subconscious. This is a powerful and timeless energetic tool, you can you use this as long as you feel called and can always return to.

Each transmission differs in length and is completely unique to the soul receiving it, you will only be receiving what is meant for you and your intentions.

Upon ordering, when your transmission is ready you will be emailed an mp3 recording of your personal transmission with instructions on how you can continue working with it. You will also receive notes from your transmission which can include messages, guidance, resources and readings.

Personal Light Language Transmission
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